America’s Compounding Specialists

With laboratory capabilities second to none, Polymer Products Company specializes in developing custom ignition resistant polymer compounds that meet our customers’ exact requirements.

Custom Development

Consistency to your exact requirements is crucial. Polymer Products Company has put sizable capital investment into our plant to ensure every customer specification is met with every run.

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UL Testing

Our experts test to the exacting standards prescribed by UL using the latest equipment and technology to ensure exact customer parameters are met during every phase of production.

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Immediate Download

Polymer Products Company created this website as a virtual information repository. Technical data for our polymer compound products is available here for your immediate download.

Avantra® IRHIPS Polyolefins

Why Polymer Products Company?

At Polymer Products Company, we offer an industry-leading combination of experience, expertise and flexibility that allows us to work with you to develop custom formulations that meet your exact requirements. We are North America’s compounding experts.

Our dedication to quality begins with technology and extends through our production processes and customer service. With product development laboratories capable of extensive product characterization, end-use testing and simulation of our customers’ processes, we can develop new products and custom formulations that best meet your specific needs.